Priecīgus Vasaras saulgriežus!
Jaukus un prieka pilnus Līgo un Jāņus ...
Labs IT Serviss
Shares and Events
Monday, 21 June, 2021
Greetings on International Women's Day
On this day, the sun and the flowers, smiles for you! Your beautiful smile and annual hands always warm our hearts ...
Labs IT Serviss
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Monday, 8 March, 2021
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021!
Vēlam priecīgus Ziemassvētkus un veiksmes pilnu, radošu un prieka pilnu Jauno 2021. gadu! ...
Labs IT Serviss
Shares and Events
Tuesday, 22 December, 2020
Treat yourself with a 30% discount on ESET antivirus
Fast, secure and stable antivirus - ESET Internet Security. With us it’s a 30% discount until New Year...
Labs IT Serviss
Shares and Events
Monday, 14 December, 2020
November 18 - Proclamation Day of the Republic of Latvia
November 18. Our Latvia! Latvian Independence Day. On November 18, 1918, we became a sovereign state. ...
Labs IT Serviss
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Monday, 16 November, 2020
Proper student computer - Lenovo x250 Ultrabook
Super Offer! Proper student computer - Factory refurbished, Lenovo x250 Ultrabook computer with Windows 10 Pro for student 375.10 EUR A student computer combines performance, practicality, reliability and low power consumption. The best choice is a laptop with good performance, small size, high quality and low power components.
Labs IT Serviss
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Tuesday, 13 October, 2020
Lai līgojas jauki un garšīgi!
Prieku, līksmi Līgo svētkos, Veiksmi saldos papardgrēkos, Tad vēl šasliks, uguns liesmas, Draugu pulkā līksmas dziesmas!
Labs IT Serviss
Shares and Events
Monday, 22 June, 2020
Happy new year 2020!
To all our customers, and those who will soon become so, we wish a successful, creative and joyful new year 2020!
Labs IT Serviss
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Monday, 23 December, 2019
Personal Mini Data Storage (NAS)
Have you ever wondered what information means to a Modern person? What could be the consequences of suddenly losing files, photos and important information to yourself? Labs IT Serviss (Good IT Service) offers one of the solutions ...
Labs IT Serviss
Shares and Events
Friday, 16 August, 2019
Antivirus ESET with Discount
Back to school! In preparation for the new school year, Labs IT Serviss (Good IT Service) in partnership with ESET offers special TOP class protection for your PC at school and at home with 30% discount.
Labs IT Serviss
Shares and Events
Tuesday, 13 August, 2019