Imagine you need to come up with about five new ideas. And, remember – they all must be related to the same subject matter… How quickly would you be able to figure them out?
Generating new ideas on a regular basis can be very difficult, whether you need them for your blog or social media (including videos, slogans, etc.). Most people wait for their Idea as an unexpected lightning strike. But if you really want to feel this electrified air and lightning, then you have to count on becoming an explorer and to be ready to shoot some metaphors in completely cloudy clouds.
It has to be admitted that this option is similar to game with atomic bomb on a sense level.
This may not be the best way to start your publicist career, but you have to admit that your brain and fantasy work much faster and more productively, knowing that there is no choice. Ideas you previously called "too weird" or "too boring" may turn out to be good potential material for publishing.
A sense of necessity – it comes at the moment, when you start thinking about how to make a particular article a successful one. Not to mention about looking for opportunities and ways to come up with new ideas. It is possible that a sudden revelation or idea may come to you at the most unexpected moment. For example, in the middle of the night, it can interrupt your sleep, and until you write it down, it will not give you peace.
Finding new ideas is like pursuing a healthy lifestyle and a peculiar way of thinking. It becomes more complicated and difficult, if done infrequently. Of course, there are people who are always in this state of mind every day. But for those who are not among us, such as Steven Hawking or Elon Musk, it will take time, energy and patience to turn on or attain this position.
Take the time to explore new ideas - search the Internet, read what other authors of similar publications are writing. “Turn on” a pause to yourself and ask encouraging questions such as, “What might be the most interesting topic of my choice?”, Allow your mind to become curious and creative.
This is the moment when you can come up with all your ideas in one go.
There may also be situations where nothing "shining" comes to mind. Take this time to develop your brain and way of thinking – search and look for the "right state" in your mind, and soon your bunch of fresh ideas will pay you a visit.
Such moments are unique and must be recorded and writed down ,as they may disappear and will be difficult to update them later.
As a note-taking tool in these types of situations is your smartphone, which has a voice recorder application and even an old, good piece of paper and a pen, can come in handy.
Most of the people prefer articles, in which they can feel emotions and excitement. It is also important, that its more interesting to read articles of someone who clearly understand the topic of choice, because too much emotionality and excitement can lead to bias. Let us not forget that everyone has the right to be listened and be heard. But writing and publishing on topics that are exciting and interesting makes the brain move differently, and it's a great way to create interesting content. This does not necessarily mean that you cannot write about things that are less interesting or with which you had a little contact. If it is your job and / or duty, you will have to do it anyway. Careful study of a particular area will always protect you from a lack of information and will increase your liking for writing.
Admittedly, recent trends are almost always capable of providing fresh and potentially interesting material for publishing. However, be careful not to imitate another author by expressing your thoughts in your own words. Try to add something new and fresh to your article.
You can quote and recount, but don't forget to add lessons learned from your research. Also, let your readers look at the chosen topic from a completely different angle.
Be fast as lightning - don't stand still and wait for others to speak about something new in the field. Try to catch a moment to put your publication and opinion at the forefront. Of course, patience and determination are some of the most important aspects of this job, because its not only you, who will act like this.
In a situation where you are late, you can develop a more nuanced view of a particular issue through the immediate reaction of those people.
Of course, the Internet is endless and this Internet universe is expanding with each passing moment. There is always a good chance that you will post something quite similar to what has already been and said before. This is inevitable. And it has to be reckoned with, without much disappointment. However, it is always worth trying - to say something new and unprecedented.
Some of your best ideas may come at a moment, when you are busy making an omelet or brushing your teeth. This happens quite often, when the brain will recieve a short break. It takes time for your unconscious mind and brain to create new combinations of ideas, and this is often done at its best, when you are busy with things, which do not require that much concentration. That's why professional writers spend most of their working day, and perhaps longer, looking out the window and sipping coffee.
A good tool for organizing your thoughts is simply talking to people. Especially if you have read a lot during your research work. It helps you organize your thoughts, switch off, and while your interlocutor is interested in your research topic, the conversation can help you organize your thoughts. At the same time, it will be possible to critically evaluate it and gain additional objectivity.
Never underestimate your interlocutor, opinion matters.
The more you know, the more you have to say. Exploring new realms, whether they are related to your specific industry or not, always gives you fresh material for reflection. It broadens your horizons by drawing your attention to new ways of thinking.
It is also proven that acquiring new reading materials and skills slightly changes the way your brain works - it works freer and faster, and as a result, it will stimulate your thinking to generate new ideas.
In addition, if you can draw parallels with completely unrelated topics, the end result can be very interesting and exciting publications. And yet, do not forget about the target audience of your articles, mostly it is in the context of the specific topic and too extreme mixture of concepts can cause confusion.
Good ideas are everywhere and accessible to everyone. Don't stop looking for them ...
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